
Performance Management Infrastructure

We will help you build structures for performance management.

Establishing your organization’s performance management infrastructure is necessary to deliver on mission and strategic goals. An effective performance management process clarifies the connection between the work of staff and your mission.

Horned Owl Analytics works with you to map your business process and translate your strategic goals into your organization’s performance management. We can establish or review existing data collection strategies to ensure your data collection plan fits your overall program performance cycle.

Recent Projects

Data Collection

Training of staff on data collection protocols and processes.

Key Indicators

Identification of key indicators for program performance

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance measures for management teams

Data Entry

Data entry assistance for program administration and evaluation

Software Implementation Support

We will assist you in the administration and management of your database software.

Software solutions can help manage clients, collect data, and evaluate performance. Database software is a large financial investment that requires dedicated project management and expertise to facilitate its execution.

Horned Owl Analytics can assist you with the transition to a newly selected software system or help leverage existing software by providing system administration, training, and technical support. We manage data migrations, software configuration, staff training, reliable database management, and ongoing assistance.

Recent Projects

Data Migration

Data migration between performance management databases.

Custom Configuration

Routine administration and custom configuration of performance management database


Liaison with software company and nonprofit for new performance management database

Staff Onboarding

Staff onboarding, on-going training support and system documentation.

Data Analysis, Visualization & Reporting

We will generate reports to offer insight and manage performance.

Going from data to insights is important for a thriving organization to act on information, use resources wisely, and make a greater impact in their community. Once an organization’s performance management structures are in place and a system for collecting and storing data is effective and reliable, you can start making data-driven decisions based on routine reporting, data visualizations, and dynamic metrics.

Horned Owl Analytics can develop clear routine reporting frameworks, create scorecards to monitor performance, establish dashboards to gain insights, and provide overall analysis to make informed decisions. We develop and execute reports as needed including the analysis and presentation of your data story.

Recent Projects

Board Reports

Board of Directors survey and topline report


Program survey data scanning, analysis, and reporting

Grant Reports

Responsive grant reporting for funders


Monthly dashboards for program performance

want to get started? join us!

We can work with you in a variety of capacities and can meet your short or long-term needs. Let’s work together to find the right solution to meet your goals and determine the steps necessary to achieve them.

Our expertise

We have experience supporting several case management platforms including Penelope, ETO, and Apricot by Social Solutions. We certified Social Solutions Gold Certified Administrator and Results Reporting.

We have expertise in multiple data visualization platforms including PowerBI, ArcGIS, and Tableau.